Seraphiel Galaxy:
I look, but recognize no more, objects familiar to my view; The very pathway to my door is an enchanted avenue
Seraphiel Galaxy:
In vain we look, in vain uplift our eyes to heaven, if we are blind; we see but what we have the gift of seeing; what we bring we find
Seraphiel Galaxy:
Here runs the highway to the town; there the green lane descends, through which I walked to church with thee, O gentlest of my friends!
Seraphiel Galaxy:
This is the place. Stand still, my steed, let me review the scene, and summon from the shadowy past the forms that once have been.
Seraphiel Galaxy:
The past and present here unite beneath time's flowing tide, like footprints hidden by a brook, but seen on either side.
Seraphiel Galaxy:
The whisper of ages without beginning
Seraphiel Galaxy:
A presence, strange at once and known, walked with me as my guide; the skirts of some forgotten life trailed noiseless at my side (J.G. Whittier)
Seraphiel Galaxy:
The story has been told but the shadows remain
Seraphiel Galaxy:
Tell me not, in mournful numbers, life is but an empty dream...