themonp: 365:41 French Toast
themonp: 366:40 Me want cookie.
themonp: 365:39 Stupid Game
themonp: 365:38
themonp: 365:37 Dino!
themonp: 365:36 Comfort Food before work. Probably not a great idea!
themonp: 365:35 Didn't I just leave this place??
themonp: 365:34 It was a looooong day.
themonp: 374:33 OMG!!! Sun!!
themonp: 365:32 This makes me absolutely bat shit crazy!!
themonp: 365:31 Getting ready to sling drinks.
themonp: 365:30 Had the whole day off. This is what I managed. Hahaha!
themonp: 365:29 Another double day.
themonp: 365:28
themonp: 365:27
themonp: 365:26
themonp: 365:25 "Say yer prayers, varmint!"-Yosemite Sam
themonp: 365:24 Good day ats da club!
themonp: 365:23 Work bathroom shot
themonp: 365:22
themonp: 365:21 Hibachi!!
themonp: 365:20 I am not setting ONE foot into Pete's today!
themonp: 365:19 The Most Mediocre Show on Earth!
themonp: 365:18 First Shot of the day.
themonp: 365:17
themonp: 365:16
themonp: 365:15
themonp: 365:14
themonp: 365:13
themonp: 365:12 Monica Monday's