xd_travel: bison-8604
xd_travel: bison-8605
xd_travel: bison-8608
xd_travel: bison-8609
xd_travel: bison-8614
xd_travel: bison-8826
xd_travel: bison-8827
xd_travel: bison-8828
xd_travel: Bison calf with 2 adults in Grand Teton NP
xd_travel: bison-8832
xd_travel: bison-8846
xd_travel: Scape with a lone bison
xd_travel: bison-9033
xd_travel: The herd on the move
xd_travel: bison-9054
xd_travel: baby bison on the move
xd_travel: bison-9060
xd_travel: bison-9062
xd_travel: bison-9068
xd_travel: bison-9070
xd_travel: bison-9071
xd_travel: bison-9072
xd_travel: Leather pool lower basin YS 2
xd_travel: Leather pool lower basin YS
xd_travel: scape with bisons 2
xd_travel: scape with bisons
xd_travel: bison herd off Hwy 191
xd_travel: before the safety people show up
xd_travel: Cool morning in Biscuit basin area 2
xd_travel: Landscape with musk ox