christianlee89: 20150303061128
christianlee89: 20150329174548
christianlee89: 20150328175537
christianlee89: 20150419180043
christianlee89: 20150424060130
christianlee89: 20150424061500
christianlee89: Boring Weekend
christianlee89: The Signal Tower
christianlee89: Fenced Sunrise
christianlee89: 20150523060336
christianlee89: At the end of the day
christianlee89: Another Signal Tower
christianlee89: Before the sun comes up
christianlee89: Brand New Day
christianlee89: The Sun Comes Up Late
christianlee89: Construction
christianlee89: Heavy Day
christianlee89: The Nightmare
christianlee89: Another Day
christianlee89: Can't Sleep
christianlee89: Last Summer
christianlee89: On holiday at rooftop
christianlee89: Good Start to the Weekend
christianlee89: Ordinary Everyday Memories
christianlee89: All We Need...
christianlee89: Playing Around
christianlee89: Evening Warmth
christianlee89: The Phoenix