Plant_ID: Senna alata
Plant_ID: Anemone richardsonii Hook
Plant_ID: Dasiphora fruticosa - shrubby cinquefoil
Plant_ID: opuntia galapageia
Plant_ID: edmondia sesamoides in Hermanus 2
Plant_ID: edmondia sesamoides in Hermanus
Plant_ID: yellow 12-petal
Plant_ID: little yellow leopard
Plant_ID: dillenia alata - red beech
Plant_ID: Hibiscus Laevis possibly - 3-lobed leaves
Plant_ID: Opuntia yellow 3
Plant_ID: Opuntia ficus-indica flower close-up
Plant_ID: Opuntia yellow 2
Plant_ID: sonchus arvensis
Plant_ID: sophora tormentosa
Plant_ID: European gorse - Ulex europaeus 2
Plant_ID: Cytisus scoparius scotch broom
Plant_ID: chamaecrista fasciculata - partridge pea
Plant_ID: to be IDed yellow vine
Plant_ID: Oxalis pes-caprae - African wood-sorrel, Bermuda buttercup, Bermuda sorrel
Plant_ID: yellow elder at Waipio valley 2
Plant_ID: Maximilian Sunflower - Helianthus Maximiliani
Plant_ID: Sierra & Golden columbine
Plant_ID: Helianthus pauciflorus - stiff sunflower
Plant_ID: Helianthus pauciflorus - stiff sunflower sq
Plant_ID: Common sunflower
Plant_ID: Hypericum fromdosum - Golden St John's wort
Plant_ID: Trout lily in UP
Plant_ID: ranunculus acris - meadow buttercup
Plant_ID: ranunculus acris - meadow buttercup 2