grhemb04: Rogers Arena
grhemb04: The scene
grhemb04: Fans entering arena
grhemb04: 40 year anniversary
grhemb04: Taking the ice
grhemb04: Face off
grhemb04: Martin Brodeur
grhemb04: Fight!
grhemb04: Fight!
grhemb04: Goal #1
grhemb04: In-game action
grhemb04: In-game action
grhemb04: In-game action
grhemb04: In-game action
grhemb04: Goal #2
grhemb04: Benches
grhemb04: Fight!
grhemb04: Penalty shot on Brodeur
grhemb04: Celebrating the 3-0 shutout