grhemb04: Hallway Bench
grhemb04: UDC Tribute to Thomas Jonathan Jackson
grhemb04: Another Chapel Altar
grhemb04: Wall Hanging
grhemb04: A Chapel Altar
grhemb04: Stained Glass Window
grhemb04: Mellon Bay
grhemb04: Mellon Bay
grhemb04: Robert E. Lee Memorial
grhemb04: Robert E. Lee Memorial
grhemb04: Peering out from a Hallway
grhemb04: Woodrow Wilson's Grave
grhemb04: Woodrow Wilson's Grave
grhemb04: Nave after 8:45 Service
grhemb04: Rose Window
grhemb04: Space Window
grhemb04: Stained Glass Window
grhemb04: Centennial Liturgical Banners
grhemb04: Centennial Liturgical Banners
grhemb04: Stained Glass Window
grhemb04: The Nave
grhemb04: Another Hallway
grhemb04: Looking out towards Wisconsin Avenue
grhemb04: Entrances to a Hallway in the Nave
grhemb04: Dreamers & Believers Entrance
grhemb04: Winston Churchill Dedication
grhemb04: The Herb Cottage
grhemb04: Washington National Cathedral
grhemb04: Washington National Cathedral
grhemb04: Washington National Cathedral