lupo.hh: Wood anenome (Anemone nemorosa)
lupo.hh: Spring herald (Crocus vernus)
lupo.hh: Chinese lantern
lupo.hh: Leopard lily (Tiger lily)
lupo.hh: Pearls
lupo.hh: Honey droplet
lupo.hh: What's your name?
lupo.hh: Giant garlic
lupo.hh: Water lily with bee and reflection
lupo.hh: Common ivy fruit, Efeu-Früchte (Hedera helix)
lupo.hh: Pearl harbour
lupo.hh: Water lily reflections
lupo.hh: Sunday Mistery (Water lily reflections)
lupo.hh: After the rain
lupo.hh: This is autumn: Rain droplets on the back of a (rose?) leaf
lupo.hh: Blooming daisy on Christmas (Bellis perennis, Gänseblümchen)
lupo.hh: Iced magnolia
lupo.hh: Tulips, Planten un Bloomen, can't wait to see you again!
lupo.hh: Cluster Lilly (Brodiaea sp.)
lupo.hh: Hortensia after the rain
lupo.hh: Chinese lantern
lupo.hh: Garden coral
lupo.hh: Bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, Lampionblume (Physalis alkekengi)
lupo.hh: Magnolia after the rain
lupo.hh: Bee
lupo.hh: Genista, broom after the rain
lupo.hh: Snowdrop with raindrop (Galanthus)
lupo.hh: Wet wing
lupo.hh: After the rain
lupo.hh: Icy butterfly