Our ride to stay at an bungalow off #halongbay popped along with a single cylinder inboard. Pretty sure if @chloe1299 and I sat on the same side it would have capsized. #6weeksinthefareast
Cruising through #halongbay with @chloe1299 #6weeksinthefareast #weneedahoneymoonhashtag
The love of my live crushed her defense and is now a Dr. Enough said. #phd #ucsd #genomics
53k on the original brakes and they still had more. OE ties still going, those are next. #fjcruiser
As part of the #PMANXVII expedition, we did a lot of 3D laser mapping of an archaeological site in the Palauan jungle. To avoid being scanned into the map, you can either awkwardly hide behind a tree or chill on the Pelican case under the lidar scanner. I
Putting the #fly3dr FX8 back on the deck of the PJ after a 300000 m^2 reef survey mission in #palau
R/V Kemedukl surveying vertical reef wall with University of Deleware's dual frequency side scan bathy sonar in #palau. #PMANXVII #powmia
Kings's Apartments on Malakal Island in #palau. Accommodations are spartan but serviceable. They don't do wake up calls but the roosters will make sure you're awake at 6am. The #PMANXVII expedition is now underway. #powmia