stever1200r: looking for fresh crab
stever1200r: Bodega harbor
stever1200r: fresh crab from the fisherman
stever1200r: Pacific ocean view
stever1200r: looking North…at Aki
stever1200r: waves are rolling in
stever1200r: over there
stever1200r: hey Jeff!
stever1200r: looking South
stever1200r: rocky shore
stever1200r: wave action
stever1200r: Benicia sunset
stever1200r: sky is on fire
stever1200r: more fire
stever1200r: fire is going out
stever1200r: Jeff is my friend
stever1200r: Sourdough that Aki made
stever1200r: crab cooked and almost ready to eat
stever1200r: Crab ready to eat!!
stever1200r: Golden Gate Bridge
stever1200r: hike to get to the bridge
stever1200r: ready to cross the bridge
stever1200r: looking into the sun
stever1200r: bridge tower with telephoto
stever1200r: sea lion doing some fishing
stever1200r: "The Rock"
stever1200r: San Francisco
stever1200r: same pic only with telephoto
stever1200r: taken next to the tower