Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: Paris by night 2
Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: La seine, Paris.
Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: Garçons de café.
Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi...//We often need a smaller than itself
Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: Paris by night
Photo-LB: DSC_2909
Photo-LB: Paris by night (Colors)
Photo-LB: Prendre le temps.../Take time...
Photo-LB: DSC_2546
Photo-LB: DSC_2118
Photo-LB: DSC_2056
Photo-LB: DSC_1961
Photo-LB: DSCF2240
Photo-LB: RE-inventer Paris. 2016//Re-inventing Paris 2016
Photo-LB: DSC_1805
Photo-LB: DSC_1782
Photo-LB: L'avenue
Photo-LB: Colors of the night
Photo-LB: Street métro
Photo-LB: DSC_0324
Photo-LB: DSC_0155