twiggles: Rock Hole Alum Quarry, Slapewath
twiggles: Rock Hole Alum Quarry, Slapewath
twiggles: Rock Hole Alum Quarry, Slapewath
twiggles: Slapewath Downcast Shaft
twiggles: Slapewath Spoil Heap
twiggles: Slapewath Upcast Shaft
twiggles: Slapewath Spoil Heap
twiggles: Slapewath Downcast Shaft
twiggles: Slapewath Building Remains
twiggles: Old Bridge, Slapewath
twiggles: Old Bridge, Slapewath
twiggles: Culvert next to railway, Slapewath
twiggles: Culvert next to railway, Slapewath
twiggles: Old Bridge, Slapewath