priestyfields: Shropshire's Canyonlands
priestyfields: Shropshire's Canyonlands
priestyfields: Erin and Elaine on the Hawkstone Follies Trail
priestyfields: Elaine and Erin on the Hawstone FolliesTrail
priestyfields: Elaine and Erin take a breather
priestyfields: Tree from atop Hawkstone Tower
priestyfields: The girls from atop Hawstone Tower
priestyfields: View from the top of Hawkstone Tower
priestyfields: Elderly couple admiring the view
priestyfields: Hawkstone Tower
priestyfields: Hawkstone Follies
priestyfields: Hawkstone Follies
priestyfields: Hakstone Follies
priestyfields: Hakstone Park
priestyfields: Sky on fire from the back garden