Design Transitions:
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Format for the day
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Origami badges for participants
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Fredrick Matheson introducing the workshop
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Joyce and Emma introducing the format of the day
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Exploring the failures in current interaction design education
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Team listening and sharing failures
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Design Transitions presentation
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Rachel Karine Bergesen Troye - sharing the AHO's Master of Design structure
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Rachel Karine Bergesen Troye - sharing AHO's specialised Master routes
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Mosse Sjaastad - sharing the challenges in Interaction Design education in Norway
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Rachel Abrams - sharing the USA's Interaction Design Education
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Andrea Resmini - sharing his knowledge on Information Architecture
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Initial questions to explore
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An overview of the failures in current Interaction Design education shared by participants
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An amazing lunch
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Summary of the failures and what we want to keep in interaction design education
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Creating a video of the current interaction designer
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Creating a video of the current interaction designer
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Creating a video of the current interaction designer
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Creating a video of the current interaction designer's expanding skills set
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Exploring interaction design education in 2025
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Exploring interaction design education in 2025
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Exploring interaction design education in 2014
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Exploring interaction design education in 2025
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Sharing videos and conversations around interaction design in 2015 and 2025
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Sharing videos and conversations around interaction design in 2015 and 2025
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Sharing videos and conversations around interaction design between 2015 and 2025
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Interaction design skills and expertise 'exploding' and permeating into other subject areas
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Different models of continuing education