TAC.Photography: Red pine with a backdrop of brilliant Yellow maples and small trees
TAC.Photography: Red pine with a backdrop of brilliant Yellow maples and small trees
TAC.Photography: Red pine with a backdrop of brilliant Yellow maples and small trees
TAC.Photography: Abstract red pines with yellow backdrop of maples
TAC.Photography: Abstract red pines with yellow backdrop of maples
TAC.Photography: Abstract red pines with yellow backdrop of maples
TAC.Photography: barns in Fall Color in mid-Michigan
TAC.Photography: barns in Fall Color in mid-Michigan
TAC.Photography: barns in Fall Color in mid-Michigan
TAC.Photography: Color road trip around West Branch, Michigan
TAC.Photography: Color road trip around West Branch, Michigan (in explore)
TAC.Photography: Color road trip around West Branch, Michigan
TAC.Photography: Mio Dam Pond on the Au Sable River, Michigan
TAC.Photography: Red barn on M33 north of Fairview, Michigan
TAC.Photography: fall color on M72 near Luzerne
TAC.Photography: autumn scene in Mio, Michigan on Jay Smith Rd.
TAC.Photography: Luzerne, Michigan
TAC.Photography: Rau Rd - through the woods
TAC.Photography: red pine grove in Mid-Michigan
TAC.Photography: Autumn in Michigan
TAC.Photography: Autumn in Michigan
TAC.Photography: Autumn in Michigan
TAC.Photography: a classy 'out-house' on a maple tree farm in Mid-Michigan
TAC.Photography: making our way through a 30 acre Maple (syrup) Tree Farm
TAC.Photography: making our way through a 30 acre Maple (syrup) Tree Farm
TAC.Photography: making our way through a 30 acre Maple (syrup) Tree Farm
TAC.Photography: Maple Tree Farm in full glow
TAC.Photography: Maple Tree Farm in full glow
TAC.Photography: Maple Tree Farm in full glow
TAC.Photography: into the woods at the Maple Tree Farm