TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th of July carnival - abstracts
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th of July carnival - abstracts
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th of July carnival - abstracts
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July, Carnival
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th of July carnival - abstracts
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th of July carnival - abstracts
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July
TAC.Photography: Bay City, Michigan - the big show 2015
TAC.Photography: Bay City, Michigan - the big show 2015
TAC.Photography: Bay City Fireworks 2015, Thursday
TAC.Photography: Bay City fireworks, 2015, Thursday Night
TAC.Photography: Bay City Fireworks, 2015, Thursday night
TAC.Photography: Bay City Fireworks, 2015, Thursday night
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July carnival
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July carnival
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July, the big show, 2015
TAC.Photography: fighter planes leaving the mother ship over Bay City, Michigan
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July fireworks, the big show
TAC.Photography: Fireworks and Carnival Rides
TAC.Photography: Bay City fireworks 2015
TAC.Photography: Bay City 4th July carnival
TAC.Photography: way out of control
TAC.Photography: spinning
TAC.Photography: Cotton Candy Anyone?