drumz63: "The class"
drumz63: John safely helmeted
drumz63: John no longer safely helmeted
drumz63: Disaster looms
drumz63: BONG goes his head on the ice...
drumz63: Ow
drumz63: John safely helmeted again
drumz63: High five
drumz63: Practicing his skills
drumz63: Getting hot...
drumz63: Off comes the helmet
drumz63: Off comes the coat
drumz63: Catch dad!
drumz63: Reckless but comfortable
drumz63: Healthy cheeks
drumz63: "I wish I brought my skates"
drumz63: Tearing it up
drumz63: Happy
drumz63: Showing off
drumz63: "Go rent some skates!"
drumz63: Learning to skate backwards
drumz63: "Reach down deep..."
drumz63: "Do it like this"
drumz63: Teetering
drumz63: Pirouetting off the face of the earth
drumz63: Bambi..
drumz63: ..on...
drumz63: ..ice
drumz63: *Whew*
drumz63: Testing the helmet