10centpiece: Snow convoy.
10centpiece: Friday night snow.
10centpiece: Earning your turns
10centpiece: Let the light shine on
10centpiece: The Beautiful Girls have learnt to rock
10centpiece: C.W Stoneking
10centpiece: World of her own
10centpiece: Taking a break
10centpiece: Long walk home
10centpiece: Photos of a photographer 4
10centpiece: Walking through melbourne
10centpiece: Walking through melbourne
10centpiece: Mr Big Ears
10centpiece: See Ellie can sit still.
10centpiece: and what does one do when in Sydney?
10centpiece: Dan from the Black Keys sure can make a racket with that there guitar
10centpiece: Omeo Rodeo 7
10centpiece: Light and shadows
10centpiece: Sera in Derricks hut signing the guest book (sera waz ere)
10centpiece: Good morning
10centpiece: bigdayout07_1-28 (Custom)
10centpiece: DH MTB Buller 07-10 (Custom)
10centpiece: bigdayout07_1 (Custom)
10centpiece: bigdayout07_1-22 (Custom)
10centpiece: IMG_3843 small
10centpiece: bigdayout07_1-14 (Custom)
10centpiece: Can you get off the table Ellie?
10centpiece: Anyone there?
10centpiece: IMG_2131
10centpiece: IMG_2038