meh2008: UC buildings in distance
meh2008: the Midway during blizzard
meh2008: walking home through the snow
meh2008: Rockefeller Chapel on my walk home
meh2008: the Midway on my walk home
meh2008: partially frozen hair
meh2008: a piece of my hair is frozen
meh2008: IMG_3997
meh2008: IMG_3995
meh2008: view from my window before 4:00 pm
meh2008: view from my window
meh2008: View from my window appx. 5:30 pm
meh2008: snow inside my windows!
meh2008: snow inside window sill
meh2008: people in the street
meh2008: aerial view of fire hydrant
meh2008: parked car in well of snow
meh2008: Visibility low
meh2008: Charlie checks out the scene
meh2008: Snow piled up outside window
meh2008: Man walking with shovel and grocery bag
meh2008: Fire hydrant & car buried deeper
meh2008: Visibility is back!
meh2008: I can see downtown again!!
meh2008: Roaming pedestrians
meh2008: Lake Michigan way out there
meh2008: Clear view
meh2008: Oops, used flash by mistake
meh2008: Clear, sparkly night