meh2008: On the bus from Gatwick
meh2008: Gatwick to London bus
meh2008: Somewhere between Gatwick & London
meh2008: View from bus to London
meh2008: 90 minute bus ride from Gatwick
meh2008: Road from Gatwick to London
meh2008: Finally in London
meh2008: Kids playing next to hotel
meh2008: Christmas carolers
meh2008: Christmas carolers
meh2008: View from Hilton Hotel Olympia
meh2008: Christmas Carolers in Kensington
meh2008: Christmas carolers in Kensington
meh2008: Cute building in Kensington
meh2008: Same cute building
meh2008: Spooky looking trees
meh2008: Dutch architecture in London
meh2008: Same Dutch looking building
meh2008: Royal Courts of Justice
meh2008: London
meh2008: Tea!!!
meh2008: Approaching St. Paul's Cathedral
meh2008: St. Paul's
meh2008: Impressive architecture
meh2008: St. Paul's
meh2008: Anti Shakespeare Society ;^)
meh2008: View from footbridge
meh2008: Tower Bridge way off in distance
meh2008: Globe Theatre picketers ;^)
meh2008: Elizabethan costume