stkone: The Skull, the Bomb and the Ignition Lock
stkone: Royal Enfield Black 2
stkone: Vahrenkamp Diesel 462 red
stkone: P1070362
stkone: Taurus Diesel in grün
stkone: Turbo-Diesel Chopper
stkone: Diesel Enfield
stkone: The Traupel Düse V12 engine
stkone: Traupel Düse V12
stkone: Royal Enfield black
stkone: Suzuki VS 1400 Intruder blue
stkone: In the mirror
stkone: BMW R 1200 GS
stkone: BMW R 1200 RT 2
stkone: BMW R 1200 RT
stkone: BMW R 1200 GS
stkone: Yamaha in silbern
stkone: Robin Diesel silver
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stkone: Custom Motorbike with sidecar, made out of a Ford Escort 1,6D
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stkone: Simson Enblem
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stkone: P1070329
stkone: Hatz Diesel
stkone: Sommer Motorradmanufaktur
stkone: P1070325