sparksnleo: Auberge de l'ill Illhaeusern
sparksnleo: Dainty appetisers
sparksnleo: Amuse bouche
sparksnleo: L'oeuf mayonnaise <Haeberlin> au homard
sparksnleo: Leona and Eva looking a ted tipsy?
sparksnleo: Le thon rouge aux pousses de soja
sparksnleo: Le troncon de gigot d'agneau allaiton
sparksnleo: A selection of petit fours
sparksnleo: A selection of petit fours
sparksnleo: Le croustillant chocolat - noix de coco
sparksnleo: The state of my hubby....
sparksnleo: Restaurant in its tranquil setting
sparksnleo: River I&#39;ll
sparksnleo: Grant now recovered after heavy meal...
sparksnleo: A fantastic soup made by Guilluame
sparksnleo: Eva and Leona
sparksnleo: The view from the &quot;chalet&quot;
sparksnleo: Fantastic day to be in the mountains
sparksnleo: Sunning himself whilst enjoying view
sparksnleo: A game of croquet....
sparksnleo: ...with the back to the gorgeous view