Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Chapel builded in place of demolished German monument to the fallen in war 1914-1918. Głownin/Glofenau, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Abandoned palace of von Rohr family, Mańczyce/Manze. 12.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Demolished German monument to the fallen in war 1914-1918. Karczyn/Karzen, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918, renamed the Polish Patriotic Monument. Łagiewniki/Heidersdorf
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918, renamed the Polish Patriotic Monument. Łagiewniki/Heidersdorf
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Fragment of the family tomb on the fence of the cemetery. Radzikowice/Rudelsdorf, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918. Radzikowice/Rudelsdorf, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918, renamed the Polish Patriotic Monument. Przezdrowice/Prschiedrowitzf 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: A place of demolished German monument to the fallen in war 1914-1918. Sobótka/Zobten, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918. Damianowice/Damsdorff, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Chapel builded in place of demolished German monument to the fallen in war 1914-1918. Wilczkowice/Wilschkowitz, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918, renamed the Polish Patriotic Monument. Jordanów Śląski/Jordansmühl
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918, renamed the Polish Patriotic Monument. Jordanów Śląski/Jordansmühl
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918 converted into chapel. Tyniec nad Ślęzą/Groß Tinz an Lohe, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918. Szczepankowice/Tschönbankwitz, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German Monument to the Fallen in the War of 1914-1918 converted into chapel. Polakowice/Pollogwitz, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Abandoned palace. Nowy Śleszów/Neu Schliesa, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Chapel builded in place of demolished German monument to the fallen in war 1914-1918. Nowy Śleszów/Neu Schliesa, 13.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Chapel raised in former place after German monument to the victims of war 1914-1918. Krasowice/Kraschen Kr. Oels, 11.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German memorial to the fallen villagers in world war 1914-1918. Solniki Wielkie/Groß Zöllnig, 11.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German memorial to the fallen villagers in world war 1914-1918 demolished and converted into chapel; Kruszowice/Kruzendorf, 11.12.2020, View A
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German memorial to the fallen villagers in world war 1914-1918 demolished and converted into chapel; Kruszowice/Kruzendorf, 11.12.2020, View B
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German memorial to the fallen villagers in world war 1914-1918 demolished and converted into chapel; Kruszowice/Kruzendorf, 11.12.2020, View C
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Posadowice/Postelwitz, 11.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: German memorial to the fallen villagers in world war 1914-1918 demolished and converted into chapel. Radzieszyn/Ziegelhof, 11.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Demolished German monument to the fallen villagers in World War I, Nowolesie/Polnisch Neudorf/Waldneudorf. 07.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Demolished German monument to the fallen villagers in World War I. Nowolesie/Polnisch Neudorf, 07.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Partially destroyed German monument to the fallen villagers in World War I. Henryków/Heinrichau, 07.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Demolished German monument to the fallen villagers in World War I, Nowy Dwór/Neuhof. 07.12.2020
Wojtek Sienkiewicz: Demolished German monument to the fallen villagers in World War I. Nowy Dwór/Neuhof, 07.12.2020