TerryLHill: Weidemeyer’s Admiral Butterfly & Nokomis Butterfly @ Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Nokomis Butterfly @ Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Trail by the river where there were so many flowers and butterflies and some birds
TerryLHill: John fishing the river at the end of the road in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Terry fishing the river
TerryLHill: Terry caught a fish!
TerryLHill: Terry fishing the river (Greer, AZ)
TerryLHill: Terry's 2nd fish, Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: John finally caught a fish!
TerryLHill: John loading up fishing gear
TerryLHill: Couldn't resist this photo op in Greer, AZ!
TerryLHill: Terry on front deck of Greer cafe
TerryLHill: Greer, AZ, lunch spot
TerryLHill: Our lunch spot in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Meadow in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: IMG_3177 Checkerspot caterpillar, either Fulvia or Black
TerryLHill: New Mexican Checkermallow
TerryLHill: Northern Bedstraw - Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly
TerryLHill: Arachne Checkerspot Butterfly
TerryLHill: Nootka Rose
TerryLHill: Milbert's Tortoiseshell Butterfly
TerryLHill: Our campsite @ Rolfe C. Hoyer F.S. Cpgd, Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Our campsite @ Rolfe C. Hoyer F. S. Cpgd in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: Flowers along river trail at end of road in Greer, AZ (Evening primrose & Nootka Rose)
TerryLHill: John fishing along river at end of road in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: John fishing along river at end of road in Greer, AZ
TerryLHill: John fishing along river at end of road in Greer
TerryLHill: Western Tiger Swallowtail
TerryLHill: Cutleaved Coneflower @ South Fork Campground