TerryLHill: Funereal Duskywing Butterfly
TerryLHill: Western Tiger Swallowtail on Pride of Madeira
TerryLHill: Western Tiger Swallowtail on Pride of Madeira
TerryLHill: Two-tailed Swallowtail @ Shipley Nature Center
TerryLHill: Gulf Frittillary @ Shipley Nature Center
TerryLHill: Cabbage White Butterfly
TerryLHill: Western Tiger Swallowtail
TerryLHill: Some of the numerous Painted Lady butterflies that were flying by to the north and landing all over the road at this location
TerryLHill: Painted Lady Butterfly
TerryLHill: Painted Lady Butterfly
TerryLHill: Mourning Cloak Butterfly
TerryLHill: Painted Lady Butterflies
TerryLHill: Painted Lady Butterfly @ Harriett Wieder Reg. Park, Huntington Beach, Calif.
TerryLHill: Painted Lady @ UCI Marsh
TerryLHill: Gulf Fritillary @ Huntington Central Park
TerryLHill: Gulf Fritillary @ Huntington Central Park
TerryLHill: Pale Swallowtail Butterfly
TerryLHill: Variable Checkerspot Butterfly
TerryLHill: Variable Checkerspot Butterfly
TerryLHill: California Sister butterfly
TerryLHill: California Sister Butterfly
TerryLHill: White Cabbage Butterfly @ Agua Caliente Park, Tucson, AZ
TerryLHill: Pipeline Swallowtail @ Molino Basin Cpgd., Mt. Lemmon Hwy., AZ
TerryLHill: Gulf Fritillary @ Shipley Nature Center
TerryLHill: Cabbage White Butterfly @ Huntington Central Park
TerryLHill: Giant Swallowtail, Shipley Nature Center
TerryLHill: Tomato Sphinx Moth aka Carolina Sphinx Moth
TerryLHill: Tomato Sphinx Moth aka Carolina Sphinx Moth
TerryLHill: Tomato Sphinx Moth aka Carolina Sphinx Moth
TerryLHill: Monarch Butterfly