_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Jumping into the Grid!
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Futuristic Combat
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Amazing Virtual Life we have
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Let There Be Light
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Calling me Electrifying??
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Kneel for Technology
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
We Believe in the Future
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Intelligence is a privilege
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Lights and Colors
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Big Impact
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Gadgets and Sparks
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Electric Animal
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
A Creep's touch
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Silence..and Look at These
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
The Harder the Battle , the Sweeter the Victory
_Adra Braeden_ *Client List CLOSED*:
Chills down Your Spine