The Gullet: Sunrise Roos
The Gullet: Peekaboo!
The Gullet: Aussie Winter
The Gullet: Funny Business
The Gullet: Sunward Bound
The Gullet: A bit cocky for a galah...
The Gullet: Joey Peepers
The Gullet: Galahs at Sunrise
The Gullet: Swamp Harrier
The Gullet: Galah - "Not a Kestrel"
The Gullet: Coiled Springs
The Gullet: Nankeen Kestrel
The Gullet: Equal parts intimidating and laughable - a Galah sees off an entirely nonthreatening little Nankeen Kestrel.
The Gullet: Surrounded!
The Gullet: The Fracas
The Gullet: Touching the other side.
The Gullet: "Blip"
The Gullet: Murder in the Eyes
The Gullet: Narcissism ahead!
The Gullet: Common Bronzewing
The Gullet: Wood Sandpiper
The Gullet: Common Bronzewing
The Gullet: Elegant Parrot