Bill Amidon: Along the Ottauquechee III
Bill Amidon: For future Monarchs
Bill Amidon: Christine's world XXX
Bill Amidon: Geese taking flight into the sunset
Bill Amidon: Trick or treat?
Bill Amidon: Along the Ottauquechee
Bill Amidon: Sullivan
Bill Amidon: Flaming maples in the rain
Bill Amidon: Meander
Bill Amidon: My question exactly!
Bill Amidon: Another evening, another swamp, another autumn
Bill Amidon: September evening
Bill Amidon: Over the river and through the woods II
Bill Amidon: Floodwater souvenirs
Bill Amidon: 🎵"...and by July it was up to his eye"
Bill Amidon: Across the pond II
Bill Amidon: Bee mimic on a plate glass window
Bill Amidon: Connecticut River floodplain toward the extinct volcano, Mt Ascutney
Bill Amidon: Cold evening in the forest
Bill Amidon: Cold and clean
Bill Amidon: A little reflection
Bill Amidon: May in New Hampshire
Bill Amidon: A morning in the swamp
Bill Amidon: Road to somewhere II
Bill Amidon: Wood Nymph among the crabapples
Bill Amidon: Evening by the sea
Bill Amidon: Arboreal regimentation
Bill Amidon: Cold sun II
Bill Amidon: Beauty and ugliness are one