Bill Amidon:
Tiger Swallowtail in a naturalized day lily
Bill Amidon:
Danaus plexippus on Eutrochium purpureum
Bill Amidon:
Chrysemys picta threesome collecting the setting sun's waning warmth
Bill Amidon:
Vigilant immature rubythroat IV
Bill Amidon:
Danaus plexippus
Bill Amidon:
Mayhem on the deck...
Bill Amidon:
Cervine encounter IV
Bill Amidon:
Cervine Encounter V
Bill Amidon:
Cervine encounter III
Bill Amidon:
Some folks require clarity
Bill Amidon:
Cervine encounter II
Bill Amidon:
Cervine encounter I
Bill Amidon:
Just a girl and her tegu
Bill Amidon:
Lygaeus kalmii on milkweed
Bill Amidon:
Semi-feral cat Dali takes time to stop and smell the... clover
Bill Amidon:
Escape of the Wood Ducks
Bill Amidon:
Window on Mill Pond II
Bill Amidon:
Thymelicus lineola
Bill Amidon:
That most fascinating of creatures II
Bill Amidon:
After the rain II
Bill Amidon:
Safety first
Bill Amidon:
3,000 year old Assyrian (Iraq) carving at Mead Art Museum, Amherst College
Bill Amidon:
Duck Duck Goose
Bill Amidon:
Orchid in the Botanic Garden of Smith College
Bill Amidon:
After the rain
Bill Amidon:
Before the rain
Bill Amidon:
Autumn Amanita
Bill Amidon:
Out by my mailbox 10/7 - just getting started
Bill Amidon:
Daedaleopsis confragosa
Bill Amidon:
Tolerant Thamnophis sirtalis III