Bill Amidon: Coq au Vin De Provence
Bill Amidon: Ants love peonies III
Bill Amidon: Frustration
Bill Amidon: Lygaeus kalmii on milkweed
Bill Amidon: Basket of old gourds
Bill Amidon: Cirsium vulgare, the Bull Thistle
Bill Amidon: Lupine pinnacle
Bill Amidon: Striped Hairstreak in the milkweed
Bill Amidon: Base of a Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, on the Smith College campus
Bill Amidon: Orange Hawkweed, nonnative but welcome
Bill Amidon: Only humans underappreciate milkweed
Bill Amidon: Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes, on Monarda didyma II
Bill Amidon: Black Swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes, on Monarda didyma
Bill Amidon: Melanoplus bivittatus, the Two-striped Grasshopper, through a barn window II
Bill Amidon: Melanoplus bivittatus, the Two-striped Grasshopper, through a barn window III
Bill Amidon: Daedaleopsis confragosa
Bill Amidon: Bombus at work
Bill Amidon: Orchids at the Botanic Garden of Smith College greenhouses
Bill Amidon: Crabapple blossom
Bill Amidon: Broken dragon...
Bill Amidon: Swallowtail in the milkweed II - Papilio glaucus on Asclepias syriaca
Bill Amidon: Scudderia, Bush Katydid nymph on Mullein II
Bill Amidon: Melanoplus bivittatus, the Two-striped Grasshopper, through a barn window
Bill Amidon: Cirsium vulgare
Bill Amidon: Sharing the Echinacea purpurea
Bill Amidon: A rare sight, Hemaris thysbe at rest.
Bill Amidon: Ubiquitous but beautiful
Bill Amidon: The columbine is beautiful but often overlooked
Bill Amidon: Peck's Skipper, Polites peckius, on Common Milkweed, Asclepias syriaca
Bill Amidon: Sweat Bee, likely Augochloropsis metallica, on Asclepias syriaca