Bill Amidon: Lily for a day
Bill Amidon: Tolerant Cormorant
Bill Amidon: American White Pelican in breeding color displays orange flap on its bill
Bill Amidon: Attitude
Bill Amidon: Brown Pelican
Bill Amidon: Tolerant White Pelicans. I guess they've seen a kayak before.
Bill Amidon: Lake Solitude
Bill Amidon: A decade ago somewhere on Hedgehog
Bill Amidon: Different perspective
Bill Amidon: Heifer head shot
Bill Amidon: GBH in a Florida Swamp
Bill Amidon: Into the krummholz
Bill Amidon: Seeking the high ground
Bill Amidon: Sumptuous stump
Bill Amidon: Wild Pickerel Cove II
Bill Amidon: From Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine: Agkistrodon piscivorus