Bill Amidon: Zinnia's visitor
Bill Amidon: October in New Hampshire XVII - south from Elephant Head
Bill Amidon: Ayrshire princess, Northfield MA
Bill Amidon: Red-tailed Hawk in Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Easthampton MA
Bill Amidon: October in New Hampshire III
Bill Amidon: Loon with twins, Willard Pond, Antrim NH
Bill Amidon: October in New Hampshire XXI
Bill Amidon: After the rain II
Bill Amidon: Just a girl and her Jungle Nymphs
Bill Amidon: October in New Hampshire
Bill Amidon: Cormorants on the move catch late day sun
Bill Amidon: Making Tree Swallows
Bill Amidon: October in NH XII - zig-zag channel below the beaver dam visible from Elephant Head
Bill Amidon: Scudderia, Bush Katydid nymph on Mullein II
Bill Amidon: Chrysemys picta pair sunning
Bill Amidon: Song Sparrow nest in tall grass
Bill Amidon: The difficulty of being inconspicuous II
Bill Amidon: At sunset even death is beautiful
Bill Amidon: Tenacious hemlock gives up the ghost, Bear's Den Natural Area, Gilsum NH
Bill Amidon: Semipalmated Plover, Plum Island MA
Bill Amidon: Low Tide, Rye NH
Bill Amidon: Rye NH - Immature gull over Odiorne Point State Park
Bill Amidon: October in NH IX
Bill Amidon: Making Tiger Swallowtails
Bill Amidon: Early arrival
Bill Amidon: In beaverland VII - sunset patrol II
Bill Amidon: Young girl seeks perfect stone, Plum Island MA
Bill Amidon: Young Ringbill at rest, Rye NH
Bill Amidon: Young beauty
Bill Amidon: Deep in the woods at sunset