Bill Amidon:
Christine's world XXX
Bill Amidon:
Trick or treat?
Bill Amidon:
Crabapples in freezing rain
Bill Amidon:
Along the Ottauquechee
Bill Amidon:
Bill Amidon:
Flaming maples in the rain
Bill Amidon:
Annual Pitcher Mountain marshmallow harvest
Bill Amidon:
Bill Amidon:
Bill Amidon:
My question exactly!
Bill Amidon:
Another evening, another swamp, another autumn
Bill Amidon:
September evening
Bill Amidon:
Home on the range - New Hampshire style III
Bill Amidon:
Over the river and through the woods II
Bill Amidon:
Caution! Student Driver
Bill Amidon:
Across the pond II
Bill Amidon:
Bracket fungus, likely Ganoderma applanatum, feasting on dead birch
Bill Amidon:
Connecticut River floodplain toward the extinct volcano, Mt Ascutney
Bill Amidon:
Waxwing in an old butternut
Bill Amidon:
Mom needs a break
Bill Amidon:
Green Heron in a dead willow
Bill Amidon:
The hunter
Bill Amidon:
Before the rain
Bill Amidon:
Evening visitor
Bill Amidon:
Cold evening in the forest
Bill Amidon:
Attentive mum awaits food delivery
Bill Amidon:
A little reflection
Bill Amidon:
A morning in the swamp
Bill Amidon:
Evening flyby
Bill Amidon:
Road to somewhere II