Bill Amidon: Home on the range - New Hampshire style III
Bill Amidon: Gypsy Wagon Horse II
Bill Amidon: Catch of the day
Bill Amidon: Nowhere to go but up
Bill Amidon: Bullfrog in the duckweed with hitchhikers
Bill Amidon: Curious blue-eyed baby fox comes close
Bill Amidon: The Age of Innocence II
Bill Amidon: Green Anole lizard reflects on his imprisonment.
Bill Amidon: Pleasant surprise
Bill Amidon: Gray Fox mum on an evening mouse hunt
Bill Amidon: Cervine encounter IV
Bill Amidon: Moments after
Bill Amidon: Confident snapper has no fear of me
Bill Amidon: Well camouflaged pickerel frog
Bill Amidon: They think I'm family
Bill Amidon: Time for a checkup
Bill Amidon: Chrysemys picta ♂ with leech attached
Bill Amidon: Home on the range - New Hampshire style II
Bill Amidon: Gypsy Wagon Horse
Bill Amidon: Father Gray Fox
Bill Amidon: Independent thinker
Bill Amidon: Fast friends
Bill Amidon: Porcine Paradise
Bill Amidon: Attitude II
Bill Amidon: An evening snow squall's sudden frigid blast takes horses (and photographer) by surprise.
Bill Amidon: Catch of the day II
Bill Amidon: Busted!
Bill Amidon: Friendly neighbor
Bill Amidon: Tolerant Thamnophis sirtalis II
Bill Amidon: 19's a crowd