alison grace martin: IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) Expo and Symposium "Future Visions"
alison grace martin: hyperbolic tessellation
alison grace martin: structural bamboo (lightweight structures)
alison grace martin: reciprocal frame / hyperbolic tessellation
alison grace martin: Infinity structure
alison grace martin: rhombic tessellation of hyperbolic surface
alison grace martin: Elna Stella Air Electronic
alison grace martin: test tessellation
alison grace martin: bamboo construction kit in a Golf
alison grace martin: construction kit for hyperbolic tessellation step (1).
alison grace martin: tetrapodal modules
alison grace martin: stretching lycra patches
alison grace martin: Building bamboo in the Muziekgebouw
alison grace martin: hyperbolic tessellation / reciprocal frame
alison grace martin: Ryanair-ready
alison grace martin: Infinity Structure