christophercummings: docWhoDS2008
christophercummings: daleksInvadeMyHouse
christophercummings: Robinson's Racing Pigs
christophercummings: Godzilla Boston Oct 2008
christophercummings: Nick Fury, Agent of Shield #7
christophercummings: I don't enjoy when Twitter goes down...
christophercummings: G.I. Joe #27
christophercummings: Doctor Who: Stolen Earth Set (2008)
christophercummings: The Wales Millennium Centre
christophercummings: Roald Dahl Plass
christophercummings: Another angle on Roald Dahl Plass
christophercummings: A Welcoming Gift!
christophercummings: It's me taking a picture of me taking a picture of me...
christophercummings: The Wales Millennium Centre, a performing arts cen
christophercummings: The Invisible Torchwood Lift
christophercummings: Auton Bride From Doctor Who: Rose
christophercummings: DSCN0616.JPG
christophercummings: The Werewolf from Doctor Who: Tooth & Claw
christophercummings: Cyberman, Up Close
christophercummings: Cyberman Display
christophercummings: Dancers' costume from Doctor Who
christophercummings: Clockwork robots from Doctor Who
christophercummings: Cyberman Up Close
christophercummings: One of the angels from Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned
christophercummings: The switch from Army of Ghosts/Doomsday