birkholdr: Grey Angelfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Yellowtail Parrotfish St. John 2005
birkholdr: Trumpetfish with Surgeonfish St Thomas 2004
birkholdr: Schoolmasters St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Stoplight Parrotfish (Initial) St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Stoplight Parrotfish with Blue Tangs St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Nurse Shark with Grey Angels St. Thomas 2004
birkholdr: Spotted Eagle Ray St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Hawksbill Turtle (young) St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Doctorfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Queen Angelfish with Bluestriped Grunt St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Congo Cay Seascape 1
birkholdr: Congo Cay Seascape 9
birkholdr: Tarpon Congo Cay 2006
birkholdr: Spotfin Butterflyfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Queen Angelfish (juvenile) St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Princess Parrotfish St. John 2006
birkholdr: Porkfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Permit St. John 2006
birkholdr: Nurse Shark Hendley Cay 2006
birkholdr: Hawksbill Turtle St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Grey Angelfish Hendley Cay 2006
birkholdr: Goldentail Moray St Thomas 2006
birkholdr: French Angelfish (intermediate) St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Four Eye Butterflyfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Beaugregory Damselfish (juvenile) St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Barracuda Closeup St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Striped Parrotfish St. Thomas 2006
birkholdr: Stoplight Parrotfish St. John 2006
birkholdr: Slippery Dick and Sharpnose Puffer St. Thomas 2006