richardpiel: Scotus ticket
richardpiel: Line at Federal courthouse 333 Constitution. Andrew and Jeff.
richardpiel: Line for Comey hearing at Senate Intelligence Committee. Dirksen Senate building
richardpiel: Washington Monument at dawn
richardpiel: Scotus line in December rain. I asked a member of our crew to take this photo of me
richardpiel: First and East Capitol street. Capitol Hill. Supreme Court line
richardpiel: 4th and M street sw. Waterfront
richardpiel: SCOTUS line. 700am. Our crew chief Hassan is first in line.
richardpiel: Dirksen Senate building. Judiciary Committee. Crew of linestanders.
richardpiel: Longworth door. Big line.
richardpiel: Jimmy in line at Senate Health committee.
richardpiel: Supreme Court line. Meisha
richardpiel: East Capitol and First NE Capitol Hill scotus line
richardpiel: Mt Vernon ave. Del Ray, Alexandria, Va
richardpiel: Scotus line after sprinklers came on.
richardpiel: Rayburn 2175
richardpiel: Hart SOB 216. Hearing about Ticketmaster prices. Taylor Swift did not testify.
richardpiel: Rayburn 2154 line with Andrew and Anna.
richardpiel: Supreme Court line. Texas immigration case
richardpiel: Scotus line at dawn
richardpiel: 15th and Pennsylvania at dawn looking west.
richardpiel: Scotus line. College students partying all night before Student debt relief case
richardpiel: Scotus line at 100am. Gonzales v Google
richardpiel: Rayburn Senate Office building. Before Commerce committee hearing on Southwest Airlines
richardpiel: Ford's Theater line
richardpiel: Rayburn Commerce committee Tik Tok hearing
richardpiel: Line for the Dabney restaurant in Blagden Alley, Shaw neighborhood
richardpiel: Line for the Hamilton music venue 14th and F street NW
richardpiel: Line for 6th and I venue. General admission seating.
richardpiel: Supreme Court. One eyed Holy Man.