richardpiel: 15th and Allison
richardpiel: 15th and Allison
richardpiel: Trump Hotel DC
richardpiel: 15th and Allison after hot summer rainstorm
richardpiel: 15th and Allison after hot summer rainstorm
richardpiel: 15th and Allison after hot summer rainstorm
richardpiel: 15th and Allison after hot summer rainstorm
richardpiel: Ga. Ave and V st. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: Russell Senate Office building.
richardpiel: 22nd and P st. Dupont. Bagels Etc (2)
richardpiel: 11th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and Allison
richardpiel: 10th and G street Chinatown Catholic church
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: 15th and Allison
richardpiel: 14th and Buchanan
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: 15th and H Biden win celebration
richardpiel: 15th and H Biden win celebration
richardpiel: 15th and H Biden win celebration
richardpiel: 14th and Allison
richardpiel: 16th and I st. Biden win celebration
richardpiel: 16th and I st Biden win celebration
richardpiel: 15th and Varnum. Petworth
richardpiel: Rock Creek Cemetery. Petworth
richardpiel: Euclid street and 17th. Adams Morgan
richardpiel: Euclid street and 17th. Adams Morgan