richardpiel: No process. Storm over Adams Morgan.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Adams Morgan. Impending rain
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Impending rain. Late afternoon. Square crop version 2
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Impending rain. Version 3
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Impending rain late afternoon. Version 2
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. After summer rain.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Adams Morgan
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. After late afternoon rain.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Impending rain.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Impending rain.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. After summer rain.
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Adams Morgan
richardpiel: 18th and Columbia. Adams Morgan.
richardpiel: Brian. Last version
richardpiel: Vrrsion 4
richardpiel: Version 3