richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: C street SE. Dawn on Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 2nd and C street SE. Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 2nd and C street SE. Capitol Hill. #1
richardpiel: 2nd and C street SE. Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 2nd and C street SE. Capitol Hill. St. Peter's church at dawn.
richardpiel: 2nd and C street SE. Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 2nd and C SE.
richardpiel: 3rd and C street SE. Capitol Hill Dawn
richardpiel: 3rd and C street SE. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 2nd and C street NE. Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 9th and N . Shaw. Kiki
richardpiel: 9th and N. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: Upshur Park at 14th street. Petworth.
richardpiel: Capitol. NW view. 300am
richardpiel: 16th and Allison. Crestwood
richardpiel: 16th and Allison. Crestwood
richardpiel: 15th and Allison alley
richardpiel: Federal buildings in SW. Washington ave.
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: 16th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: Washington ave sW. Looking SW.
richardpiel: 200 Constitution ave SW. HHS Building. At night
richardpiel: Upshur Park 200am. Petworth