richardpiel: 15th and Corcoran. Shaw
richardpiel: 16th and P. Dupont area
richardpiel: 16th and P. Dupont area
richardpiel: 17th and P street. Dupont area
richardpiel: 16th and P. Dupont area
richardpiel: 18th and P. Dupont
richardpiel: 18th and P street. Dupont.
richardpiel: Connecticut and R street. Dupont area
richardpiel: Connecticut and R street. Dupont area.
richardpiel: 18th and Church streey. Dupont arra. Sy Thomas church.
richardpiel: 18th and P street. Dupont area.
richardpiel: 18th and Church. Dupont
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Dupont area
richardpiel: 17th and Q street. Dupont
richardpiel: 15th and Q. Dupont area
richardpiel: 15th and Q. Duppnt area
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Shaw
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 15th and Q, Duont area
richardpiel: 15th and Q, Dupont area
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 17th and Q, Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 15th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 15th and Q, Dupont
richardpiel: 22nd and P street. Dupont
richardpiel: 17th and P street. Dupont, area.
richardpiel: 17th and P. Dupont area
richardpiel: Dupont Circle. 900am