richardpiel: Marion street and Q. Shaw
richardpiel: Marion street and Q. Shaw
richardpiel: Marion street and Q. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and P street. Shaw. Whole Foods
richardpiel: 14th and P street. Whole Foods.
richardpiel: P street at 14th. Dupont/Shaw area. Sheldon.
richardpiel: Alley off Marion street. Shaw
richardpiel: 7th and T street. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 10th and S street. Shaw
richardpiel: 10th and S street. Shaw
richardpiel: Wilson's soul food restaurant. Georgia ave and V street. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and R street. Shaw. Kiki
richardpiel: Georgia ave and V street. Shaw. Wilson's. With Chip
richardpiel: 9th and R street. Shaw. Kiki
richardpiel: 15th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: Florida ave and North Capitol street nw. Shaw
richardpiel: North Capitol street and Q street nw. Shaw
richardpiel: North Capitol street and Q street nw. Shaw