richardpiel: 14th street. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: 14th street. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: Union Station at 500am. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Allison street and 16th. Petworth
richardpiel: Union Station. Capitol Hill. Early morning.
richardpiel: 14th and Spring road. Columbia Heights.
richardpiel: Union Station at 500am.
richardpiel: Georgia ave and Florida ave. Shaw
richardpiel: Alley off Marion street. Shaw
richardpiel: T street and 7th. Shaw
richardpiel: 1st and C street ne. Dirksen Senate building. Capitol Hill. Morning dew.
richardpiel: Alley off Marion. Shaw
richardpiel: 3rd and Florida ave ne.
richardpiel: 14th and P street. Shaw. Whole Foods
richardpiel: 11th and Morse street ne. Trinidad. From the 90 bus.
richardpiel: 8th and G street se. Barracks Row
richardpiel: Florida ave and T street. Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: Ontario and Columbia road. Adams Morgan. Former Ontario theater
richardpiel: 11th and U street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 11th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: May 2016 NYC Subway Midtown Manhattan
richardpiel: 12th and G street nw. Downtown
richardpiel: 12th and Pennsylvania ave nw. Downtown
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 14th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: Georgia ave and V street. Shaw. Wilson's. With Chip
richardpiel: 9th and R street. Shaw. Kiki