richardpiel: Arlington Va
richardpiel: NYC Lower Manhattan
richardpiel: Midtown Manhattan. Pigeons.
richardpiel: Flatbush ave Brooklyn
richardpiel: 10 23 2011 NYC CD (100)
richardpiel: May 2016 NYC (A) (11)
richardpiel: May 2016 NYC (262)
richardpiel: Park Slope Brooklyn
richardpiel: 14th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: Arboretum, NY ave NE
richardpiel: Dirksen Senate building. Capitol Hill. After a late afternoon Spring rain
richardpiel: Vermont ave and T street. Shaw
richardpiel: 11th and R stShaw. No process
richardpiel: 7th and S st, Shaw
richardpiel: Vermont ave and Q street. Shaw/Logan Circle
richardpiel: Georgia ave alley. Howard U Hospital
richardpiel: MacAarthur Blvd Palisades
richardpiel: Manhattan. NYC. Empire State building
richardpiel: Highline, Manhattan. 2011
richardpiel: 14th and Buchanan, sunset
richardpiel: 14th and Buchanan, sunset
richardpiel: Vermont ave and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: South Capitol street. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Georgia avenue Petworth
richardpiel: Vermont ave and R street. Shaw January Blizzard
richardpiel: 15th and Webster street Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth. 31 hours into Snowzilla. January Blizzard.
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth January Blizzard
richardpiel: 16th and Allison. Petworth. January Blizzard