richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street Petworth. Rainy day
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth Rainy day
richardpiel: 14th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth Spring thunderstorm
richardpiel: 14th and Allison street. Petworth Empty storefront window in afternoon light.
richardpiel: 14th and Allison. Petworth Abstraction
richardpiel: 7th and P st. Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth. Dusk light
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth Dusk light abstraction
richardpiel: 15th and Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley off South Capitol street af Washington ave. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: South Capitol street and Washington ave. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 14th and Upshur street. Petworth
richardpiel: 14th and Upshur street. Petworth
richardpiel: 9th street Shaw
richardpiel: 9th st. Shaw
richardpiel: NH ave. Foggy Bottom
richardpiel: NH ave Foggy Bottom
richardpiel: NH ave. Foggy Bottom
richardpiel: NH ave Foggy Bottom
richardpiel: MacAarthur Blvd Palisades
richardpiel: MacArthur Blvd Palisades
richardpiel: Capitol building grounds
richardpiel: May 2016 Petworth and Shaw
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: 13th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 10th and S street. Shaw. Dusk
richardpiel: 14th and U street. Shaw