richardpiel: Scotus ticket
richardpiel: Scotus line version 2
richardpiel: Luxury restaurant line (not seen in photo) 8th and G st SE
richardpiel: In the Hart Senate building. Capitol model. Present.
richardpiel: Russell Senate Office building. Self portrait. 3/24/15
richardpiel: Line at Federal courthouse 333 Constitution. Andrew and Jeff.
richardpiel: Senate Appropriations Committeem. DSOB
richardpiel: Line for Comey hearing at Senate Intelligence Committee. Dirksen Senate building
richardpiel: Flags lowered for Queen Elizabeth
richardpiel: Washington Monument at dawn
richardpiel: Washington Monument at dawn
richardpiel: Meisha in line at Supreme Court.
richardpiel: 15th near Tidal Basin. Line for tickets BOE. With Ellen for 546
richardpiel: SCOTUS LINE
richardpiel: 12 and D SW. FCC. Net neutrality open meeting.
richardpiel: Scotus line in December rain. I asked a member of our crew to take this photo of me
richardpiel: SCOTUS Sunset with gay cake case line.
richardpiel: Our clients after taking the spots we held for them. SCOTUS. Little Sisters of the Poor
richardpiel: Supreme Court line. Tracy and one other Remo crew
richardpiel: Supreme Court. March 22 2016. Flag at half mast for Brussels attack today
richardpiel: Supreme Court line. Sunrise
richardpiel: Supreme Court line
richardpiel: Supreme Court. Sunset
richardpiel: First and East Capitol street. Capitol Hill. Supreme Court line
richardpiel: First and East Capitol street. Capitol Hill. Supreme Court line
richardpiel: Supreme Court line East Capitol street.
richardpiel: Supreme Court. Sunset
richardpiel: Supreme Court. At Sunset. Front of the line.
richardpiel: Andrew and Theresa at WH for Beluchistan protest.
richardpiel: 1st street ne. Supreme Court plaza