richardpiel: 13 and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and U street.
richardpiel: 13th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 333 Constitution ave. Downtown Federal Courthouse.
richardpiel: Dim sum abstraction. Chinatown
richardpiel: 11th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 1501 Allison street. Petworth
richardpiel: 1n line at th Park road Giant. Decided to keep the messed up photo. It is actually more accurate of the way today feels.
richardpiel: 14th and Allison. Petworth
richardpiel: 14th and Allison. Abstraction
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth Feral cats abstraction
richardpiel: 15th and Allison. Petworth Simone in motion.
richardpiel: Capitol building at dawn. Interesting camera failure
richardpiel: 6th and Q street. Shaw
richardpiel: 24th and L street. Foggy bottom/downtown
richardpiel: 4th and M street sw. Waterfront
richardpiel: Rhode Island ave and 7th street. Shaw Accidental photo
richardpiel: 3rd and Pennsylvania ave nw. Downtown. Rainy morning abstraction
richardpiel: 14th and U street. Shaw. From the 54 bus
richardpiel: Hirshhorn from bus on 7th street. Early morning.
richardpiel: 7th and T street. Shaw. Dusk
richardpiel: First steet. 600am fog
richardpiel: First and Md ave ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Russell Senate building. Cherry blossoms on a foggy morning. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 14th street from the 54 bus. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: 14th street. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: Grass. Accidental exposure.
richardpiel: My kitchen. Accidentally photographed.
richardpiel: Vermont and R. Dusk. No process
richardpiel: Union station looking west at pre dawn.