richardpiel: Alley off Webster street. Petworth
richardpiel: French street. Shaw
richardpiel: 10th and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: Vermont ave and U street. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and Webster street alley. Petworth
richardpiel: 14th and Webster street alley. Petworth
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Ga ave across from Howard U
richardpiel: Alley. Mount Pleasant street. Mount Pleasant
richardpiel: Marion street alley. Shaw
richardpiel: 9th and O street. Shaw
richardpiel: 14th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 5th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 5th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: 5th and N street. Shaw
richardpiel: Allison street and 16th. Petworth
richardpiel: 11th and K street. Downtown
richardpiel: 11th and K street. Downtown
richardpiel: French street. Shaw
richardpiel: French street at night. Shaw
richardpiel: NGA West entrance. National Mall
richardpiel: Q street and 16th. Dupont area. The Cairo
richardpiel: Q street and 16th. Dupont area. The Cairo
richardpiel: 18th and F st. Downtown World Bank
richardpiel: Park road and 11th street. Columbia Heights
richardpiel: French street. Shaw
richardpiel: 16th and Lamont street. Mount Pleasant library
richardpiel: 15th and S street. Dupont area.
richardpiel: 14th and Crittenden. Petworth Bus barn
richardpiel: 14th and Crittenden. Petworth Bus barn