richardpiel: Longworth Building. Capitol Hill. Proffesional linestanders
richardpiel: 11th and K street se Chip and Alexis
richardpiel: Disco fog with hot dogs on the grill in the background. At a friend's house on Capitol Hill.
richardpiel: 11th and K street se
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 11th and K street se
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 11th and K street se
richardpiel: 12th and K street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 11th and K street se Joe G
richardpiel: H street and 13th se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: 5th and Seward sq se. Capitol Hill. Call box
richardpiel: H street and 13th se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: C street and 2nd se. Capitol Hill. Church yard
richardpiel: 2nd street and C se. Capitol Hill. Church yard
richardpiel: NJ ave and D street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Independence avenue and 2nd street se. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Longworth Building. South Capitol street. Capitol Hill September blooms.
richardpiel: South Capitol street se. Longworth House office building. Late summer blooms
richardpiel: South Capitol street se. Longworth House office building. Late summer blooms
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill
richardpiel: Alley off C street ne. Capitol Hill